Let them eat cake.
“I imagine that we have here is a creature not unlike the leader of the world’s 6th-largest economy, with an unpleasantly Orwellian air about him over which the jester’s hairdo attempts a poor disguise. I like to think he’s had a hard morning, perhaps signing off enormous contracts to other like-minded characters with no prior history of delivering whatever is contained in these contracts – who are we to know? I see him in some refectory deep in the halls of power – subsidised of course – and I suspect he’s quite exhausted, possibly because he’s already polished off one of these birds at the dining table. Whether this bird is chlorinated or not is hard to tell from here, though it’s unlikely that such a character himself would stoop so low as a bleached chicken. Possibly, though, the move to the floor comes because he’s weighed down with the sheer boredom of being told that his subjects are hungry. He leans, as he always has, on the four pillars of society to draw his strength for what the rest of the day will bring.